Is Nerando Done Yet?


Stuff to do for 2022

Progress Update ( August 12,2022) : Updated a list of talks on PaperCall.

Progress Update ( April 28, 2022) : Talk accepted to MagnoliaJS

Progress Update ( July, 3 2022) : Talk accepted to Refactr

Progress Update ( July, 30 2022) : Talk accepted to AtlDevCon 2022

Progress Update ( Aug 13, 2022) : Talk accepted to Prairie Dev Con

Progress Update ( Sept 25, 2022) : Spoke at MagnoliaJS, MagnoliaJS and AtlDevCon 2022 in the week of September 11 -17, 2022.

Progress Update ( Sept 25, 2022) : Speaking at ATLJUG.

Progress Update : Revised my portfolio to its most current version.

Progress Update : Gave my talk on Open-Sourced Learning at ConnectTech2022 on Nov 9, 2022.

Progress Update : Gave a lighting talk on How Not !To Be Mentored at Software Crafters Atlanta Meeting on Dev 1, 2022.

Progress Update : Completed V1 of Burble on Dev 2, 2022.

p>Progress Update : Wrote Tips on How To Keep Learning after Landing the 1st Tech Job on Nov 27, 2022.